- Invited plenary speaker Dialogue “Women’s leadership in Physics” at the XXXIX Royal Spanish Physics Society Biennial Meeting, Donostia (Spain)
- Featured interview as part of the Women in Research Blog of the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Physics). You can read it here.
- Invited speaker Snapshots of Research at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, May 3rd 2024.
- TV Interview La 8 Bierzo Magazine as part of International Women’s Day 2024. Watch it here!
- Invited interview in Innovadoras TIC. See also the promotional videos (1, 2), and the full publication
- Soapbox Science speaker. Invited speaker to the I Soapbox science event in Spain. These events promote women and non-binary scientists. They use public spaces and transform them into a place where the public can interact first-hand with them. I wrote a post about my experience after the event here.
- Interviewed on the Spanish National Radio programme “La hora pódcast”. In the interview, we discussed about the role women play in science. It was broadcast as part of International Women’s Day 2023. You can listen to the interview (in Spanish!) here.
- Mentor of participant in Maths in Cambridge internship programme for women and non-binary students
- Organising committee member of the International Women’s Day Event which took part in the Institute of Astronomy (University of Cambridge) in 2022. These events are a great celebration of women in Astronomy and a fantastic opportunity to reflect on how to attract more women to STEM areas.
- Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics. Organising committee for the I Event for Undergraduate Women in Physics (Spain). These events provide an incredible opportunity for undergraduates women to share experiences on being a woman in Physics while developing a long-lasting, supporting community around them. They are also organised across many other different countries (e.g. UK, USA) and I very much encourage you to participate!
- Women in Science and Innovation (Spain). Added to Mujeres en Ciencia e Innovación list, which features award-winning women scientists. The aim of this initiative is to give us visibility and showcase role models for the next generation of researchers.